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Ideas for Children's Small Bedrooms  

If you need to use a small bedroom effectively, how can you make the most out of the space available? Well for those who are wishing to put two children into one room, then the obvious space saving choice is to have bunk beds. Nowadays, bunk beds come in many different styles, either metal or wooden and some even have a double bunk on the bottom so that three children can sleep in one bed. When planning the room, it is worth remembering that a top bunk is not suitable for a child under the age of 6. 

Placeholder image For those who only have to sleep one child in the small bedroom, then there are many other sleeping options available. If you have a younger child, a cabin bed may be the preferred option. These are suitable for children above the age of 3 and are a good investment, as the space underneath can be adapted as the child grows from a play area to a work and study area. They often have drawers, small wardrobes, desks and sometimes even small play areas underneath them. Most cabin beds come with a selection of arrangements of furniture available for underneath the bed, so that the storage can be individually designed to meet the consumer's needs. The use of pull out desks gives a child an area to do homework, colour and make art and crafts on, without losing floor space to play in. 

 For slightly older children, the use of a high sleeper may give more flexibility in storage options. High sleepers can feature wardrobes, desks, seating areas, sofa beds and drawers, combined in various different layouts underneath the bed. High sleepers will give any teenager's room effective storage along with study and relaxing areas. Many accessories are available for high sleepers, including clip on bedside tables and lamps.

Placeholder image If you already have a bed in the room, then there are other options that can utilise the space available in the rest of the room. There are several designs of wardrobe that either have external drawers underneath the wardrobe doors, or internal arrangements of shelving, drawers and hanging space to give maximum storage with minimum waste of space. The use of a wardrobe with external drawers underneath means there is no longer a need for a separate chest of drawers and these types of wardrobes come in several different combinations of 2, 3 or 4+2 drawers. The use of wardrobes with internal shelving and drawer space can be very handy for younger children where you wish to put boxes of toys away in the wardrobe in order to provide more floor space to play on, or to tidy at the end of the day.

 Under bed storage boxes and drawers can also provide maximum storage using the dead space under a bed. Under bed drawers can provide space for clothing, bedding and linen, without encroaching on the space of the room. Under bed storage boxes are usually on wheels and although they can be used in the same way as under bed drawers, they make excellent toy boxes, as children can pull them all the way out into the room to play.

Placeholder imagePainting the bedroom in light, airy colours with the skirting board, window frames and doors in a slightly darker shade helps the bedroom look larger. As does, using the same colour palette across curtains, cushions and bedding. Hang several smaller prints rather than one large one and paint any shelves the same colour as the walls.  Using mirrors strategically placed around the room will give the illusion of space, but do ensure they all use safety glass in a child's bedroom. It is a must to declutter the bedroom and having plenty of storage units to house toys and clothes - going as high as you can on the walls with book shelves and cube units - for safety any high units must be securely fastened to the wall. 

Using a hammock style netting slung across a corner can be useful for all soft toys, which kids accumulate by the dozen. As does using a bean bag skin and stuffing the soft toys inside instead of the traditional bead. Children's Rooms has the widest choice of bean bags for kids and will provide the bean bag skin only on reques.