Kids Bedroom Accessories

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One of the biggest bones of contention between parents and their children starts from the youngest age. As soon as your baby can pick up a toy and move it, they are then expected to be able to put it tidily away, which they obviously easily can. But sometimes they don’t and this is where the argument, tears and tantrums start and these arguments about tidying their belongings away can last till your child leaves home – probably 18 years. Sorry, I don’t have the answer, even after raising 4 of the blighters, but here’s some nice storage furniture, bookcases and toy boxes which, just might, encourage them to be tidier for a while.

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One of the biggest bones of contention between parents and their children starts from the youngest age. As soon as your baby can pick up a toy and move it, they are then expected to be able to put it tidily away, which they obviously easily can. But sometimes they don’t and this is where the argument, tears and tantrums start and these arguments about tidying their belongings away can last till your child leaves home – probably 18 years. Sorry, I don’t have the answer, even after raising 4 of the blighters, but here’s some nice storage furniture, bookcases and toy boxes which, just might, encourage them to be tidier for a while.

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One of the biggest bones of contention between parents and their children starts from the youngest age. As soon as your baby can pick up a toy and move it, they are then expected to be able to put it tidily away, which they obviously easily can. But sometimes they don’t and this is where the argument, tears and tantrums start and these arguments about tidying their belongings away can last till your child leaves home – probably 18 years. Sorry, I don’t have the answer, even after raising 4 of the blighters, but here’s some nice storage furniture, bookcases and toy boxes which, just might, encourage them to be tidier for a while.